London’s Tiananmen Vigil: Why 1989’s Tiananmen Massacre still matters

Last night in London I attended Amnesty International’s annual Tiananmen Massacre vigil which commemorates the horrific events of June 4th 1989 and the thousands of people (namely students) who died, many of whom remain unidentified. Each year the London vigil draws together a combination of protesters and journalists who were in Tiananmen in 1989, mothers … More London’s Tiananmen Vigil: Why 1989’s Tiananmen Massacre still matters

Hong Kong’s youth-driven democracy struggle

The handover of Hong Kong saw the return of six and a half million people to the same autocratic regime from which their elders had fled less than 50 years previously. And so, in 1997, the seed was sown for an inevitable and prolonged fight for true universally suffrage, albeit a fight that could often be selectively ignored. … More Hong Kong’s youth-driven democracy struggle

Why Hong Kong’s 1997 Handover still matters

Hong Kong had been a British colony from 1841 and the 1st of July 1997 marked a significant day in history: the handover of British Hong Kong to China and the end of the British Empire. The handover also marked the return of six and a half million people to the same autocratic regime from which their elders had fled less than fifty years previously. … More Why Hong Kong’s 1997 Handover still matters

World Refugee Day 2017: Stories of survival and how you can help

I’m going to take a moment out here to talk about something much more important and serious than travelling and I hope you will take something away from this. This week is World Refugee Week and today, the 20th June, is World Refugee Day. You will have certainly heard a lot about refugees in the … More World Refugee Day 2017: Stories of survival and how you can help

Taipei: Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall and learning from history

My first walking tour of Taipei by Tour Me Away ended at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and I went with another British girl from my tour group to see the changing of the guard inside. The Memorial Hall was also where I began to get a true understanding of Taiwan’s painful modern history. The changing of the guard reminded me of the … More Taipei: Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall and learning from history