Tokyo’s standing sushi bars


Yes, the clue is in the name. Today’s post is about sushi bars in Tokyo that are standing-room-only. Reasonably priced sushi which is freshly prepared in front of you.

Two friends of mine recommended one in Shinjuku and I also stumbled across one in Shibuya. For all intense and purposes, they’re the same but I’ll list them separately because I have different photos for each. What they have in common is the same menu, free cups of green tea and really friendly sushi chefs! A slight disclaimer: I’m not the most adventurous sushi eater but that’s not to say there isn’t a wide selection of different varieties to choose from.


Shibuya’s standing sushi bar

This was the first one I went to and was my first dinner in Japan. I went a bit heavy on the sushi-only photos. The excitement was too much. I couldn’t deny my tourist status.

Address: (just paste it into Google Maps – it’ll get you there!) 〒150-0042 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Udagawachō, 25, 宇田川町25−6


Shinjuku’s standing sushi bar

On this occasion I opted for the ‘action’ shots of the chefs. It’s fun to watch and obviously you know what you’re eating is freshly prepared! I don’t know if the chefs speak any English (the waiters/waitresses do a bit) but you don’t need it. You can just smile nicely and point to what you’d like on the menu but a simple ‘sumimasen’ (excuse me) and ‘arigato gozaimasu’ (thank you) go a long way.

Address: 〒160-0023 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Nishishinjuku, 1 Chome−12, 西新宿1-12 河西ビル1F


If you have any sushi bar/restaurant recommendations, let me know if the comments! I’ve still got a few more days in Tokyo 🙂

And I know I didn’t post anything yesterday so I’ll be sure to post double at some point!

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